What is Sales Messaging?
Check out this answer to the question ‘What is Sales Messaging‘ featuring Tanner Mezel of DSG.
The right sales messaging tools and training can bridge the divide between high level strategy and what gets communicated in customer sales conversations. This results in your “big ideas” turning into real results.
But how do you effectively package the actual words your sales channels should communicate in live customer conversations? Discovery questions that will demonstrate insight? Stories that a customer will find compelling? The model to draw on a whiteboard that will illuminate the customers’ real situation and define a roadmap for solving those problems?
MXL Partners CEO/Founder, Michael Griego, is an affiliate partner with DSG. He conducts sales enablement, sales process, messaging and effective leadership projects for companies with “big ideas” and a need to equip and transform entire sales organizations.
Send us a note if you’d like to set up a conversation with Tanner and Mike discuss your situation.